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Cloud-based software are very popular than other static applications, as they provide more secure and reliable computations. Users will get to utilize all-in-one features and services through them without affecting other tasks. We have seen Google and Microsoft cloud services dominating others in previous few years.

However, you can now find a good database management company in India, Canada, US, UK, etc. that utilize these applications. Backend technologies are getting integrated with cloud-based functions, which is a great aspect from the perspective of future.

Here are the top trending as well as domination cloud-based database management technologies of future:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    Amazon is providing a complete package of cloud-based services that can enhance the infrastructure of virtual as well as real-time applications. It can host several applications to support internal programs and run them at large scale. This will help to fulfil immense traffic and load management requirements, which can’t be possible with a single server.

    Hosting several web-based applications through AWS will allow users to utilize them fluently, while functioning dynamically throughout the services. Here are the key features of these services:

    • File sharing and storage using S3 (Simple Storage Service)
    • Edge computing along with AWS Greengrass edge computing
    • IoT with integrated support
    • Marketplace Web Services (MWS) for sellers.
  • Google Cloud Services – Firebase

    Google is an old and very well-known player of internet services. So, it will put every prominent effort to upgrade ready-to-use mobile and web apps with its cloud-based services. Since there are many online apps of Google that work on Cloud-based servers, so external as well as internal apps will also work according to these services online.

    Here are the top features of Firebase cloud-based solution form Google:

    • APIs upgrades & integrations
    • Hosting & Server management
    • Real-time database & file storage
    • A/B testing
    • Server management
    • IoT tools and support
    • Scaling & Load balancing to rising requirements

    For long-term usage and utilization of cloud-based services, Google has well-responsive and upgraded solutions. With the help of uninterrupted server responses and monitoring, these services will help to deliver more beneficial solutions to the integrated apps.

  • NoSQL Database: MongoDBL

    NoSQL database is completely reliable for unordered datasets and real-time apps. It is highly compatible to the integrated JAVA applications and .NET framework programs. With data-driven approach and backend handling features, this database management solution will help to upgrade the performance of your applications.

    Here are the best features of this cloud-based SQL application:

    • Dynamic schemas and table orientation
    • Better data analytics with location-based approach
    • Real-time data reporting & analytics
    • Cloud-based sharing & storage
    • Scalable database infrastructure

    SQL has been the most utilized as well as reliable database handling solution for the users. Whether you are requiring a dynamically integrated database solution or interconnected multi-app hosting service, this backend application is convenient to utilize.

Other these top 3 futuristic backend technologies, there are some other database handling application, which are utilized by database management service provider in India. However, utilizing above-mentioned applications won’t let down your expectations in terms of convenience as well as operability. So, pick any of them according to your core requirements and make your apps dominant.

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